Friday, June 29, 2012

In case you've been in a bubble, please remember it will be in the 100degrees outdoors for the next 3 days. Please make sure that neither you nor your pets have an issue with heat. Make sure there is plenty of shade, water ( that the water is fresh and kept clean.) a pool is a great idea, keep it in the shade too.
Frozen green beans or carrots are a great treat.
NOOOOO jogging, playing freezbee, ball, running...everyone will collapse.

I think you can see that they agree:)

Even for Outdoor pets, this is NOT typical.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Fleastation and ticks abound

Everyone is complaining about their flea and tick protocols, it does not seem that the products are working as well as we would like. The problem is that if you are in a rural area, you are going to have to treat the enviroment. Easier said than done.
You need to contact your termination folk, or you can try Sevin dust on the grounds.
Check in in another day or so.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flea Prevention

Please be aware that no Flea and Tick prevention will keep all of the ticks and fleas off your pet. They have to bite the pet, so you will see them on your pet.
What you want to see is that they are dying or dead.
You also have to make sure that you are treating the enviroment, you know, the beds, the kennels, the yard, your house.
This past year was not cold enough to kill insects and therefore we are seeing more than ever.

Keep up the good job of staying untop of the enviroment.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lyme vaccines are now available, as are the heartworm + rickettsial tests. The ticks are winning this summer war and people as well as animals are getting lotsssss of them.

Let's keep everyone safe, test and vaccinate. Call us for info.