Thursday, March 21, 2013

Need Help with the New Shelter Building

To all that may be interested: The commissioners have donated 1.54 acres of land for the New Stokes Shelter. We are getting sooooo close, it is unbelieable. What we need is: if 2000 people would donate $20, tax deductible, checks made to Shelter Building Fund, sent to SBF c/o
1020 Alamo Rd. Walnut Cove, NC 27052..
The monies would allow us to buy the building would allow us to put in air/heat , runs, do the kitty/puppy visitation room, do the very small office ( do not want to waste space), get gravel parking...we would be able to get it open this time next year....WOW...If it were not for Sarah Johnson at the Stokes County Animal Shelter, Mona Triplett with the Stokes County Humane Society and Candis Loy with the Animal REscue of Stokes County, none of this would be occurring.
Thank you thankyou thankyou...NOW...get out there and lets get hoping.
Also a Fundraiser will occur on June is a Poker Run;; $10 per person, includes lunch and more fun than you can get ready and come the clinic  336-591-8250....lets make this happen folks..THANKS to everyone....deb cowan