Wednesday, July 6, 2011

It's the dog days of July

This is the time when it gets crazy. We're off and running trying to get some good vacation time in while the weather co-operates. Remember that your pets are also going through this cyclone. Don't run for miles at the beach with your best buddy: they are not wearing shoes, the sand is scorching and they can and will get burns on their pads. Its the same story on asphalt.
Wait til it cools down before you have your pet running with you.
If you are just laying around in the sun, remember that they have fur. You may think its great, they may be getting ready to have a heat stroke. Leave them at home or in the motel room.
Kitties also seem to go crazy in the summer. All those birds, mice and other critters. Make sure that you are always aware of where your kitties are and what shape they are in. Abcesses are not always easy to see and can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Make sure that you are watching and observing how your pet is doing.
Birds: if you put their cage outdoors, make sure it is in the shade and that other birds are not able to contaminate. This can be a problem.