Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter weather!!!

We have already had our second occurence of icy, snowy weather. I just wanted to go over a few things to remember on wintry days like today. Keep your pets indoors if at all possible to help them stay warm. If they are outside, keep them in a safe, confined area with access to shelter where they can go to stay warm and dry. Do now allow them to run loose. When there is inclement weather, pets are more likely to get injured or even lost. Dogs have more difficulty finding their scent in winter weather making them more likely to get lost. Be careful of the salt used to melt snow and ice. It can be harmful if your pets licks or ingests the salt. It is always beneficial to check your pet's feet for any cuts after being outside in snow and ice, and to wipe off any snow or salt that they may have collected on their feet. It you have any concerns about your pet in this winter weather or are interested in boarding your pet here during winter weather please give us a call.