Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chihuahua with a contact lens

We had an older chihuahua mix come in that had an ulcer on his eye. An ulcer is a scratch on the surface of the eye, also known as the cornea. We originally treated the eye with an antibiotic ointment to help prevent infection and to moisturize the eye to allow it to heal. The ulcer did respond to treatment at first, but then the ulcer on the eye stopped healing and the scratch on the eye actually became deeper. Sometimes if an ulcer does not heal, you can actually take tissue from underneath the eyelid and sew it onto the eye to cover and help heal the scratch. However, since this dog was a little older and had a few other health problems, we decided to look into alternative methods to treat the ulcer that did not involve surgery. We did some research and found that you can place a contact on the eye to cover and protect the eye to help it heal. So that is what we decided to do in this case. We actually used a human contact and placed it on the dogs eye. Below is a picture of Dr. Cowan preparing to put the contact in the eye. Unfortunately, the contact did not help the eye to heal completely. But we did learn a lot from the case, and hopefully can try this method again in the future. We thank Dr. Kevin Walker for providing us with the contact lens.